Zoo Med HydroBalls





Only 4 left in stock

  • Add Water To Hydroballs To Increase Humidity Levels For All Tropical Reptiles
  • Use Hydroballs And Mesh For Landscaping Real Plants – Keeps Plants In Place
  • Use Hydroballs With A Pump To Create A Waterfall And Generate Water Flow For Optimum Filtration


HydroBalls™ Expanded Clay Terrarium Substrate can be used as a base layer underneath Zoo Med’s Eco Earth® coconut fiber substrate or other substrates to create an underground water table in Naturalistic Terrariums®. Add water to create a natural “aquifer” and increase humidity levels for all tropical species. Excellent substrate for live plant root growth in Naturalistic Terrariums®. Use for filtration for a waterfall.

Additional information

Weight3.8 lbs
Dimensions8 × 11 × 3.5 in