Zoo Med Can O’ Blood Worms


Bloodworms are High protein food for aquatics.

Only 9 left in stock

Zoo Med has made offering fresh blood worms even easier with their easy open resealable lid and spoon that they provide with every can. This truly is an all around great product. 3.2oz. can

  • High protein food for aquarium fish
  • Can Be Refrigerated For About 1 Week After Opening
  • Great for Axolotls including Bettas, Angelfish, Discus, Catfish, Loaches, etc.
  • Cooked in the can to lock in nutrients


Feed daily or more often as needed. Adjust the amount given based on the number of fish being fed and how much can be eaten in a 5 minute period. Promptly remove any uneaten food. NOT for African Cichlids. Refrigerate after opening and use within one week or freeze.


Bloodworms, Water, Guar Gum.

Need more information on how to care for you animal. Click here: ANIMAL CARE SHEETS

Additional information

Weight0.29 lbs
Dimensions2.8 × 0.64 × 2.8 in